Saturday, November 7, 2009

In the HEAT of things

In the HEAT of things

HEAT HEAT HEAT...And I’m loving it!!! I have been up to a WHOLE lot since I last blogged. First of all I did get a call back from the company I applied to and they are giving me an offer!!! YAY! They said they were drafting me a proposal for the job offer and would call me back. So I’m excited and waiting. Apparently it was very competitive and I made it! Meanwhile I’m glad because I need a lot of time to work on the BE BOLD project. We have a VENUE! I have successfully managed to partner up with graphic designers, website designers, fashion designers for the event and artists. I’m also having meetings with relevant ministers, the x high commissioner to Canada and companies to start getting job offers for our website. Things are looking very good and everyone’s supporting the event so I’m positive it’s going to be exceptional.

Aside from that I’m working on interviews to give a broader picture of the REALITY in Ghana. Check it out.


Name: Fifi Nuno

Universtiy: 2nd Year Central university college, Ghana

Studying: Banking & Finance (Bsc)

Christal: Tell me a bit about yourself

Fifi: I’ve lived here all my life. Went to Achimota and Im currently in Centreal Uni.

Christal: What do you think about the BE BOLD Project

Fifi: I think it’s a good concept and it’s very necessary because every year we have students applying to go outside the country and they hardly ever come back, especially when they get good jobs out there. As a result Ghana is on standstill.

Christal: Have you ever applied for a full time job? As a local student what has been your biggest challenge in trying to find a job?

Fifi: Not exactly. To find a job in Ghana, it’s more or less whom you know. I’ve never had to go out myself to look for a job because I happen to know a few people who tell me “oh come and work here”. However, I know a lot of people who come out with their degrees and can’t find jobs.

Christal: What is better for students that are coming back into the country? Is it better for them to start looking for jobs or better for them to set up their own companies?

Fifi: I think its practically necessary for everyone to try and start up their own thing, but you definitely have to work for someone first to get some experience. If people want to work outside of Ghana to gain some experience, there’s nothing wrong with that as long as they keep it in mind to come back to Ghana later. Even if you’re going to work outside eventually you should come back and start your own thing here in Ghana, because its not you working for a company here that’s going to move Ghana forward but you starting your own thing. And that’s one thing that students here lack a lot. As soon as everyone comes out of University they start looking for a job. Nobody gets up to start their own thing. We hardly see that.

Christal: how about internships do people out here get chances to do internships?

Fifi: Yes, People out here get a chance to do internships a lot. Me for example, when I’m on holiday I work for a banking financial institution. They are always looking for more people who are also on holidays to help out. Internships help because you get a lot of experience in the field that you are already studying before you come out.

Christal: What do you think will be useful for people like you on the inencareers website.

Fifi: If it would be possible to get in contact with companies that are willing to hire interns and put those internships out there. A lot of people are not aware of how to get those and mostly get them through who they know. So having some internships on the website will definitely help people like me.

Message from Fifi for all those out there:

Let us not forget our country Ghana where we learnt our values which make us proud and stand above in our daily lives.


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