After graduation I had a sense of panic thinking I need to find a job so that I can pay my bills and start living my life. I think i panicked more because that is exactly what everyone around me was doing. A lot of my friends had graduated and although they had a difficult time finding a job in this economic crisis, they found one. Some were ok with their jobs; others just hated every bit of it, but had to do it for the sake of paying their bills. When my time came, I searched a little. I woke up and thought APPLY! I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but applying just made me feel better so I DID. In my cover letters every job became by passion simply because I JUST HAD TO FIND A JOB. I applied for engineering jobs, accounting, banking, investing, nursing...I KID I KID, but I really wasn’t filtering. Luckily I got a couple of great interviews which I thought I did really well in but when I didn’t make it through I wasn’t the least bothered because it didn’t really matter much. I had a plan in my mind. Its almost like I knew were I wanted to go, but wasn’t feeling the vibe of how to really get there. So instead I spent a lot of time thinking and arranging my life after graduation and not to forget ENJOYED the feeling of NO SCHOOL!! Its a great feeling!
I had started a little business ( on the side that was bringing in some income so I wasn’t too worried about the job thing. It gave me time to wonder why it was so important for me to jump into a job just so when I was asked “SO what are you doing these days?” I would have something smart to say like “Oh I work for so and so” as supposed to “oh I’m not really doing anything yet!” I hate that question sooo much but even I find myself asking it to people who tell me that they just graduated too. One guy I asked said very boldly with a huge grin and satisfaction on his face “NOTHING!!!”. Talk about BE BOLD. Honestly its great if you get a job right after graduation, but if you don’t DO TAKE IT EASY. Know that it happens all the time. People find jobs and hate it, people find jobs and loose it within two weeks and others just can’t find. I’m a strong believer in “everything happens for a reason”. Believe in yourself and have faith.
Between my own panicking, working on the side, applying for all the jobs in the world, taking a BOLD step to come to Ghana I found what I love to do most and thank God everyday for really giving me a chance to experience the saying “do a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”. Mine was surely by chance though because I KNOW that if I would have landed some job that made some good money too, no matter how much I hated it, I might have stuck around for a little bit until I found something else to do. Big ups to all those working long hard hours with a job they hate! Know why your there and get out as soon as you can and its all good.
I read somewhere that you should mind your own business. At the end of the day everyone needs to make money somehow. You working for a company is making your boss richer. Even if you get paid well you end up spending more. The more you make the more ideas you have about trips to take, a car to buy and a house to own for instance. These things all increase your expenses and liabilities. The best thing to do is to mind your own business in the sense that you have to start thinking of something to do that will increase your revenue generating assets. If you’re making money, start saving and investing in something that will generate income aside from the income that you are making from your current job. I know fresh graduates who work and have also started doing business in beads, cakes, websites, clothes, singing, real estate, stocks, bonds, event planning, interior designing, writing books. You name it! Be creative and think big! Whatever you do make sure its lucrative and doesn’t necessarily take up a lot of your time just your intelligence, talent or skill. Oh yeah don't forget some hard work is necessary. "work for boss, then mind ur own business" for instance. And remember not everyone has to start a business. There are people who are good at those things and then there are also people who are just not built for it. If everyone in this world was a CEO then how would we survive?
Now about the The BE BOLD event on 2nd of January. It has been a little hectic. We have a great team with different committees. Everyone is working hard on their part. We have already inviting over 70 companies to attend the BE BOLD event. Honestly Christmas time is not the best time to invite companies or anyone to attend anything serious because everyone is in the party mood and holiday spirit. So we are shooting to invite as many companies as possible and hoping for at least 50% of the companies to attend the networking part of the event. The rest of the networking will consist of business minded people and well a chance for you to really get to know people. Our designers and artists are ready for a show of a lifetime! Buy your tickets as soon as possible. The venue does have a maximum capacity you know!!!!
Thanks to all our supporters and sponsors!